Body Sculpting
Breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce the breast volume so as to achieve a smaller aesthetically shaped breast mound along with relief of all problems associated with a large breast.
Psychological issues and personal embarrassment associated with the looks are the key reasons for people look for this surgery.
Shoulder pain and backache caused by very large breasts is a primary indication for this surgery. Physical and sexual embarrassment and infections below the breast are also indications for surgery.
Other indications include discomfort in the breast during exercise, not able to find fitting clothes and grooving of shoulder by bra straps. The primary aim of this surgery is to reposition, reduce and reshape the breasts. Breast reduction can be carried out at any age after breast development
The surgery is done under general anaesthesia takes about 3-4 hours to complete depending on the volume of breast to be reduced and the amount of skin sagging to be corrected
There would be supportive dressing on the breasts. Tubes are placed to drain body fluids which are removed when the drainage is significantly less in about 48 hours. There is no pain but only a tight feeling on the chest. Light work and joining back to office is possible within 7-10 days but heavy physical exertion is to be avoided for 6 weeks. You must wear a full cotton sports bra for 6 weeks after which all other types of bra are allowed. Driving a car, gym activity or fondling of the breasts is not recommended for 6-8 weeks.
Minor complications which are addressed easily and do not alter the final result are delayed wound healing, fat necrosis and serous collections in the breast. Decreased sensation on the nipple areola or other parts of the breast and pigmentation changes do occur following breast reduction and that improves with time. Mild breast asymmetry can occur, which is usually not very striking.